Can you say Excitement? I say Yush!

Because no one is awake at my house and none are my friends are awake and I just found something so uber cool and .. and *looks around* and I have no one to share it with, Helloooo Blog.

Looking through my feeds I came across an app that I can not waaaaaait to get on all my student’s iPads and I can not waaaait to hear the reactions from my teachers.

Have a I pumped it up enough? Huh Huh? Alright so it is called  Pic Collage. And it is sold for the bargain price of $0.00. The ideas of how it can be used are literally falling out of my ears right now. In Reading to summarize a book, to explode post-its, to design a character profile. Or as a way of self expression, creating an all about me page at the start of the year and make a new one at the end of the year to compare changes and learning growth. The fact that my 3rd graders can complete research in such a seamless manner, just yay! Here even is a class who uses it for Math Review. And to see what my teachers will drum up… Eeee!! (Two exclamations, even).

Basically, opening up a new page you insert a photo. A photo which you can take on the fly or one from the library, blah blah that is nothing new and thrilling. But here is the super nifty feature, especially for the younger set, is the “Photos from the Web” choice. I had expected it to bounce me to Safari where I would have to use Google Images, which always leds the students down some path of distraction. But did I go to Safari? Nooo..No Siree Bob. It was just a dandy pop up search window (still in the app, mind you) and I typed in “Tiger” up came pictures, choose one, and I went to add text.

Just. So. Gonna Work.

Check it. Enjoy. I am actually mildly disappointed we are off Monday. *cough cough* I am sure Tuesday is going to be a great school day!

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